These Are A Few of My Favorite Things
It goes without saying that I am not the funniest person who ever lived. In fact, there are people out there who are professionally funny. So I thought I'd take a moment and defer to these geniuses, or just people that I enjoy reading, and give you a few of my favorite sites to check out when you're bored. I'll also keep updating this one as I run across something funny.
This is the funniest website of all time. Whenever I am approaching mental breakdown, I run straight for this: Weight Watchers recipe cards from 1974
Brandon Bird is just plain greatness. Greatness I tell you. Christopher Walken, Law and Order, Magnum P.I. oh my!
If you've ever wondered where bad movies come from: Query Letters I Love
Irony and the fact that it's lost on some people: Black People Love Us
I really enjoy the Episode IV with alternate dialogue: Pointless Waste of Time
I enjoyed the bit about dangerous toys: Planet Moron
This one goes without saying: The Onion
And of course, it subsidiary, Savage Love.
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